The winner of the January giveaway is...
Christa is interested in "all things food and crafty." The Plaid & Turquoise Glamour Bag is headed her way! Congrats Christa. Thanks for reading and playing along.
Christa is interested in "all things food and crafty." The Plaid & Turquoise Glamour Bag is headed her way! Congrats Christa. Thanks for reading and playing along.
I am using the service "Random Picker" this year to help me select my monthly winner. You can click on the Random Picker Seal (to your right) if you want to verify the winner each month.
And don't worry, if you didn't win you still have 11 more chances this year! February's giveaway will be announced tomorrow! Everyone and anyone can enter each giveaway. It doesn't matter if you have won before.
Congratulations Christs!
ReplyDeleteI tried to comment on this a few days ago and it didn't work 😩!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy I won! You are so talented 👏